The Six Degrees

Unravel the connections in 'The Six Degrees'! A daily puzzle that challenges your wit and wisdom by linking phrases through hidden themes. Start connecting today!

Six Degrees
Daily Challenges

Six Degrees of Separation Theory

Discover a world of connections with "The Six Degrees" - a unique puzzle experience designed to test your ability to find hidden links between phrases. Inspired by the fascinating Six Degrees of Separation theory, each puzzle invites you to unveil the connections that bind seemingly disparate phrases under a common theme.

Six Degrees

Daily Challenges

Embark on a new puzzle every day, each with its unique theme and set of connections to discover.

Six Degrees

Hints & Solutions

Stuck on a puzzle? Use hints to reveal letters or check the solution to learn the fascinating connections you missed.

Six Degrees

Progress Tracking

Keep track of your puzzle achievements and watch as your deduction skills improve over time.

Frequently asked questions

If you have anything else you want to ask, reach out to us.

    • What is "The Six Degrees"?

      "The Six Degrees" is a unique puzzle game inspired by the Six Degrees of Separation theory. It challenges players to find hidden connections between phrases under a common theme, offering daily challenges for both trivia aficionados and word game enthusiasts.

    • How do I play?

      Start by looking at the phrases presented in each puzzle. Your task is to find and connect these phrases based on hidden themes or commonalities. If you get stuck, you can use hints to reveal letters or check the solution for the connections you missed.

    • Are there new puzzles every day?

      Yes! "The Six Degrees" features a new puzzle daily, each with its own unique theme and set of connections to discover. This ensures that the game stays fresh and continuously challenging.

    • Is it free to play?

      Yes, absolutely, it is free to play online and free to download from the Apple App Store. Enjoy!

    • Can I play without an internet connection?

      You need an internet connection to download the daily puzzles and update your progress, but you can play the downloaded puzzles offline.

    • How can I track my progress?

      The game includes a progress tracking feature where you can view your puzzle achievements and monitor how your deduction skills improve over time.

    • What if I find a puzzle too challenging?

      If a puzzle proves too difficult, you can use hints to help you find the connections. If you're still stuck, you can check the solution to see the connections and learn from them for future puzzles.

    • Can I suggest themes for future puzzles?

      Absolutely! We love hearing from our players and welcome suggestions for future puzzle themes. Please contact us through the app or our website to share your ideas.